About us and our story

We are a private educational center located in the center of Shumen, which offers a wide range of courses and lessons in different languages and general education subjects, both for children and adults! What's more - we organize a number of extracurricular courses, art events and company trainings, relying on maximum diversity, innovation and individual approach! Each student for us is a separate case that requires special attention and the best solution!

learns quickly, easily and enjoyable

Silence Academy


Building motivated and adaptive personalities in the constantly evolving and dynamic world, which requires constant self-improvement.


Achieving optimal results, offering maximum variety and quality!


- individual approach-cohesion and maintenance of close ties-improving the qualification of the team-active cooperation and contacts with business-synchronization with global trends and innovations

About us and our team

Proven experience

One part of our team are teachers with many years of experience and distinctive professionalism

Creative approach

The other part are younger and creative, full of great motivation and energy to work, through modern methods and techniques.

Synergy and balance

Our team emphasizes the synergy between these 2 types of teachers, taking into account the individual needs of students

Д-р С. Осман

Управител и преподавател

Д-р С. Осман

Завършила ПМГ, гр.Шумен, а след това една бакалавърска степен по Финанси, магистърска по Банков мениджмънт и докторска па Финанси в ИУ-Варна. Панастоящем е гл.асистент във ВСУ, както и ръководител в Silence Academy.

Г-жа Стефка Чаушева

Учител по биология и химия

Г-жа Стефка Чаушева

Учител по биология и химия с втора квалификационна степен по биология. Базов учител към ШУ Еп. Константин Преславски дълги години .Работила във ПГСАГ гр. Шумен. Подготвя кандидат студенти с приемен изпит по биология за ВУЗ.

Г-жа Женя Цанкова

Учител по химия

Г-жа Женя Цанкова

родена на 09.08. 1955 в гр.Бяла, Варненска област, средното образование - ПМГ, гр.Варна. Дипломиран магистър в Шуменски университет,специалност химия и физика.Трудовият й стаж преминава като преподавател в СУ "Панайот Волов". Подготвя ученици по Химия 5-12кл., както и за кандидат-студентски изпити (матури, за медицина).


A learning environment that motivates new knowledge and a friendly attitude - a combination of school and home!

Modern vision

Modern and "fun" interior environment, suitable for students of all ages


Interactive whiteboards with modern and useful software that makes learning fun

Air conditioning

Each of our classrooms has a built-in air conditioning and ventilation system for more convenience

Kitchen space

Kitchen where students, students and teachers can support themselves with food